The name and the design focus of the Knot 0hundred Timepiece is quite fitting, given its designers’ history in the auto industry– it looks like it was born in a high end motor studio.   The Knot design duo of Nicholas DiLoreto and Kort Neumann fashioned this watch as a representation of “the strong relation of shape in tandem with function”, which sounds like a pretty version of the “form follows function” cliche.  However, their work here is truly stunning, and the shape of this watch is obviously a response to its functional needs. The display is a rotary series of numbers with hours in single integers and minutes in five minute intervals.  These rotary pieces spin in a jump hour fashion, showing the time below a static line.  On the right side is a large knob which controls day and date settings, with another top side knob for added control.  We’re suckers for jump hour watches, and this is one of the finest, most progressive versions we’ve seen in a long time.  Knot Design, we love your watch!  [knotdesign via mocoloco] View in gallery View in gallery

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