Can a gadget be sexy? There’s no doubt that a computer, a media player, a tv or a telephone can inspire a serious case of tech lust. In 2009, the trends in gadget design pushed the envelope even further, with some of the sexiest gadgets we’ve seen yet. So what did the coolest gadgets of 2009 look like? Here’s a list of the 15 sexiest gadgets (GILFs?) that hit the world in this past year– and in no particular order.

HP Envy Luxury Laptop

View in gallery If 2008 was the year of the netbook, 2009 was the year of the luxury laptop. After a flurry of tiny, basic notebooks rushed out the year before, manufacturers like Dell, HP and others kicked out sexy, top-of-the-line computing powerhouses. The HP Envy Luxury Laptop is a prime example, featuring an Intel Core i-7 processor, a Blu Ray player, 1080p playback and a premium ATI Radeon graphics processor. The design itself is minimal, refined, but it might be a bit too similar to the latest Macbook Pro design for some. Either way, it’s a step in the sexy direction for HP. HP Envy Luxury Laptop Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

Edelweiss PC by Pius Giger

View in gallery If this thing isn’t the most beautiful PC in the world, it’s certainly in the running for the top 10. The Edelweiss PC by designer Pius Giger is a work of art, resembling a villianous life support system moreso than a computer. If we owned this one, we don’t know if we could even consider operating it– we’d rather put it on a pedestal and admire it. Kudos are due to Million Dollar PC for making this discovery. Edelweiss PC by Pius Giger Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

iPhone 3GS

View in gallery But wait, the iPhone 3GS isn’t even a design upgrade over the last iPhone. Why include it on a list of the 15 sexiest gadgets of the year? Because if we don’t, we’d face the wrath of a million fanboys. Okay, we’re kidding! Any new iPhone, whether or not its design has changed, must be included on a list like this. The damn thing is revolutionary. Still revolutionary– and still sexy. iPhone 3GS Gallery View in gallery View in galleryView in gallery

Hasselblad H4D Digital Camera

View in gallery Hasselwhat? You may not have heard of this thing, but your favorite photographer has. The Hasselblad H4D Digital Camera boasts 60MP (yeah, SIXTY), capable of capturing more photographic detail than you could imagine. If that numeric spec didn’t impress you, the price probably will. If you want to get yourself a Hasselblad H4D digital camera, that’ll run you $42,500. For that kind of money, you could alternatively buy a brand new BMW 5-series sedan. Hasselblad H4D Digital Camera Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

The Zune HD Portable Media Player

View in gallery Despite its poor sales numbers and unappealing developer, the Zune HD Portable Media Player was a huge upgrade over its prior model and a genuine challenge to the iPod Touch. It’s not the tech specs that had us salivating, it was the design. This brushed-steel beauty is downright sexy, a sleekly-styled PMP with a flashy OS to boot. Sadly, the Zune HD is likely doomed to failure, as the lack of a serious app market and third party developer support will have buyers thinking iPod instead. Either way, this was one hell of a lusty attempt. Zune HD Portable Media Player Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

The JooJoo Tablet

View in gallery Now for something a bit more recent– the controversial JooJoo Tablet is making as many technical waves as it is legal. The JooJoo Tablet is currently locked in a legal battle between its maker, Fusion Garage, and its claimed parent, tech blogger Michael Arrington of TechCrunch. In spite of its legal baggage, JooJoo is currently pre-selling, planning to ship its first units in early 2010. If you haven’t heard of JooJoo, just what is it? A tablet PC that could pave the way for the next revolution in computing… JooJoo Tablet Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

The Jabra Stone Bluetooth Earpiece

View in gallery In spite of their obvious stigma, bluetooth earpieces are a helpful, even necessary piece of technology for some. If you want to avoid looking the part of the douchebag, the Jabra Stone Bluetooth Earpiece is one that makes bluetooth wearing socially acceptable. The Jabra Stone is a two-piece unit that is one part earpiece, one part dock, 100% stone when combined. When it comes to industrial design, this is one of the most inventive takes on an aging technology that we’ve seen all year. Jabra Stone Bluetooth Earpiece Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

The Motorola Droid

View in gallery If you think 2009 was the Year of the Android, 2010 is going to be explosive. Just look at what Google’s mobile OS accomplished in the last year. What started with the T-Mobile G1 evolved into the Motorola Droid by year’s end. The Motorola Droid is one of the best iterations of Android yet, a truly complete device paired with the latest and most powerful version of the OS. Sadly, like the rest of the locked mobile world, you can only get this one from its contractually-tied carrier (Verizon, in this case). However, that’ll all change when Google releases the Nexus One (which would have made this list had it made an official release with real, sexy images). Motorola Droid Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

The Microsoft Courier Tablet

View in gallery While we already mentioned the JooJoo tablet above, there was other big news in the tablet world this year. The Microsoft Courier Tablet was revealed, detailed and described by the good folks at Gizmodo. This amazing tablet has more promise than any next-gen computing surface we’ve seen yet, including the rebirth of pen-based data entry. This tablet PC will feature an amazing UI that feels the furthest thing from Windows, even though its a Microsoft device. It’s not as big of a news item as the JooJoo though, as this one is only alive in renderings. Boo, renderings, boo. Microsoft Courier Tablet Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

Leica x Hermes M7 Camera

View in gallery If we included a digital camera here, it was a necessity to include a recent great from the 35mm film arena. The Leica x Hermes M7 Camera takes the now legendary Leica M7 and gives it a lusty leather upgrade. The new leather wrap-around grip gives the Leica M7 even more vintage appeal, a nice aesthetic rehab that’ll sit well with Leica fanatics. However, like the Hasselblad above, the Hermes version of the Leica M7 will run you a pretty penny– $14,000 to be exact… Leica x Hermes M7 Camera Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

The Barnes and Noble Nook

View in gallery Barnes and Noble Nook Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

Novation Launchpad Music Control Surface

View in gallery If you’re not in tune to the world of music production, you may have never seen this one before. The Novation Launchpad Music Control Surface is a vibrant, visual means of creating and controlling a musical arrangement. Its rows and columns of colored light buttons are used to cue, control and modulate sounds and effects in a software recording environment. Where music production has become a very visual, on-screen undertaking, the Novation Launchpad brings colorful, hands on control to the world of computer music. Novation Launchpad Music Control Surface Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

Apple Magic Mouse

View in gallery With all the rumors of an Apple Tablet this year, it’s a surprise that Apple decided to revolutionize a much more basic part of the computer experience. The Apple Magic Mouse brings multi-touch tactile control to the virtual desktop, allowing easy operation of applications. While the Magic Mouse did have its growing pains (there’s a learning curve and a bit of early muscle pain with this one), it has not only caught up with standard PC mice– but surpassed them thanks to an intuitive new system of control. Apple Magic Mouse Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

Dell Adamo XPS

View in gallery While you could argue that the luxury laptop trend starting with the MacBook Pro, Dell made waves this year by introducing one of the first luxury PC laptops in the Adamo by Dell. The second iteration, the Dell Adamo XPS hit later this year and has driven new demand in luxury mobile computing. This sleek, ultra-thin laptop has given the MacBook Air a run for its tiny money, by pushing the size standard by a razor-sliced margin. Dell Adamo XPS Gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery So what is your favorite sexy gadget from 2009? Was there a product that hit this year that you might have replaced one of these with? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear your opinion too! In the mean time, check out these other features we’ve shared on TheCoolist that we know you’ll love:

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