The BrickGun lego guns may not be something you want your kid carrying around, but it does fulfill a bit of nostalgia for those of us who grew up in the lego generation.  The BrickGuns are a collection of lego kits with both directions and pieces that build life-size gun mockups with moving parts.  These babies may not fire projectiles, but the trigger, the hammer, the safety and the magazines function just like the real thing.  And if you try to hold up your local liquor store with one of these, you can bet that you’ll be treated seriously (not that we suggest or condone that, of course). BrickGun kits are available for purchase starting at $64.99 for the 9mm lego gun, and $69.99 for the Desert Eagle model.  If you’ve got a hefty collection of legos hanging around from your childhood (or your child’s childhood), you can opt to purchase the plans alone via CD or download.  These start at $4.99.  While we don’t know what use these might provide you, other than looking cool and reliving your lego-studded past, BrickGuns are certainly one of the more interesting peculiarities we’ve seen on the web in some time. View in gallery View in gallery

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