Whether you’re hosting a holiday party, a virtual get-together, or just trying to break the ice with family, friends and coworkers at an office party, nothing cheers up a gathering like a few light-hearted Conversation starters or Icebreaker Christmas questions. From favorite holiday memories to traditions to Christmas movie marathons, these 200+ Christmas icebreaker questions will have everyone laughing, reminiscing, and getting to know each other better. So, grab your eggnog and get ready to enjoy some Christmas merriment.

200+ Christmas icebreaker questions

The following is a huge list of Christmas Icebreaker questions:

  1. Does everyone in your family put up a tree during Christmastime, or just some people in your house who like doing it?
  2. How many gifts will you wrap yourself this year (considering you’ll have help from other people)?
  3. What are three things that make your Christmas season complete for you personally and emotionally?
  4. What is the best gift you have ever received?
  5. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
  6. Do you prefer a white Christmas or a green Christmas?
  7. What is the best Christmas present you have ever given someone?
  8. What is the most unusual gift you have ever received?
  9. What is your favorite part of Christmas?
  10. What is the best Christmas dessert you have ever tasted?
  11. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
  12. Are you a fan of Christmas lights?
  13. What is the best thing about the holiday season?
  14. What is the worst gift you have ever received?
  15. What is the most memorable Christmas you have ever had?
  16. What is your favorite Christmas decoration?
  17. Do you have any special holiday recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation?
  18. What is the most creative holiday gift you have ever seen?
  19. What is your favorite Christmas memory?
  20. What is the best way you like to spend the holidays? Also read: 300+ Christmas activities for all ages that make your holiday season unforgettable

Best Icebreaker Christmas questions for family and friends

Here is a list of some Best Christmas icebreaker questions for family and friends:

  1. What is the one thing you are hoping to find under the tree this year?
  2. What would you like to give as a gift to someone this year?
  3. Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts?
  4. Do you have any special holiday activities you look forward to?
  5. What is the best Christmas prank you have ever pulled?
  6. What Christmas carol do you like to sing the most?
  7. What is the most interesting Christmas tradition you know of?
  8. If you could have a special Christmas dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would you choose?
  9. What are your plans for the holidays this year?
  10. What is your favorite holiday beverage?
  11. What is your favorite holiday movie?
  12. What would you do if you had a snow day?
  13. What is the most creative way you have used wrapping paper?
  14. What is your ideal winter wonderland?
  15. If you could have one Christmas wish, what would it be?
  16. If you could travel anywhere for the holidays, where would you go?
  17. What is your favorite holiday treat?
  18. What is the most amusing Christmas character you can think of?
  19. Who is your favorite Santa Claus?
  20. What would you do if you met a real-life elf?
  21. If you could have any Christmas superpower, what would it be?
  22. What do you think is the funniest Christmas joke?
  23. If you could have dinner with any Christmas character, who would it be?
  24. Which Christmas song can you play on an instrument?
  25. What is the funniest Christmas story you have ever heard?
  26. What is your least favorite holiday tradition?
  27. What are the top 5 things on your Christmas list this year?
  28. Who are you going to have over for dinner this year on Christmas Eve?
  29. Who will make sure there’s enough eggnog for everyone at home?
  30. When did you start decorating for Christmas this year? Also read: 150+ Christmas Conversation Starters and Icebreaker questions for discussion

Christmas This or That holiday icebreaker questions edition for kids and adults

Here is a list of some good Christmas this or that holiday icebreaker questions edition for kids and adults:

  1. Star or angel?
  2. Unwrapping gifts on Xmas Eve or Xmas morning?
  3. Christmas or New Years?
  4. Snowball fights or sledding?
  5. Gingerbread houses or sugar cookies?
  6. Fruitcake or pumpkin pie?
  7. Hot cocoa or eggnog?
  8. Ice skating or skiing?
  9. Christmas movies or holiday specials?
  10. Stockings or presents?
  11. Nativity scene or Santa Claus?
  12. Santa or reindeer?
  13. Christmas tree or menorah?
  14. Christmas card or ornament?
  15. Card games or board games? Also read: 100+ Christmas trivia questions and answers from movies to food (2022 game edition for kids and adults)

Christmas icebreaker questions for work

The following are some engaging Christmas icebreaker questions for work with colleagues:

  1. What is your favorite memory of Christmas at work?
  2. What is your favorite Christmas-themed office party game?
  3. What is your favorite Christmas gift you received from a coworker?
  4. What is the one thing you would like to change about how your office celebrates Christmas?
  5. What was the most memorable Christmas office activity you ever participated in?
  6. What is the best Christmas present you have ever given a coworker?
  7. What is the most memorable Christmas-themed teambuilding event you have ever attended?
  8. What is the one thing you would like to do to make your office’s Christmas celebration even better?
  9. What is your favorite Christmas-themed office decoration?
  10. What is your favorite Christmas-themed office snack?
  11. What is your favorite holiday-themed office dress code?
  12. What is the best Christmas gift you have ever received from your boss?
  13. What is the best Christmas gift you have ever given or received from boss?
  14. What is the most memorable Christmas-themed office prank you have ever been part of?
  15. What is the most heartwarming Christmas story you have ever heard from a coworker?
  16. What is the most unique Christmas party game you have ever seen at the office?
  17. What is the most meaningful Christmas message you have ever heard from a coworker?
  18. What did you do to make your office’s Christmas celebration extra special this year?
  19. What is the best Christmas-related movie you have ever watched at the office?
  20. What is the most weird Christmas present your office has ever exchanged?
  21. If you could design a Christmas party theme for your office, what would it be?
  22. Would you rather go caroling at the office or have a Christmas-themed potluck?
  23. Have you ever taken part in any charity events during the Christmas season?
  24. What is your favorite Christmas song to sing at the office?
  25. Would you go an extra mile to organize a special Christmas surprise for your coworkers or boss?
  26. What is the most creative Christmas gift you have ever received from a coworker?
  27. Have you ever taken part in any office-sponsored Christmas movie night?
  28. What is the most inspiring Christmas message you have ever heard at work?
  29. If you could grant a Christmas wish for your office, what would it be?
  30. Office Christmas party or family Christmas party? Also read: 1000+ best collection of Icebreaker Questions you’ll ever need with anyone for any situation

Funny Christmas icebreaker questions

Here are some funny Christmas icebreaker questions:

  1. Have you ever returned someone’s present as a regift to someone else?
  2. Which of your relatives are the worst gift givers?
  3. What would your reindeer’s name be?
  4. Which of your family members is likeliest to wait until the last minute to finish Christmas shopping?
  5. Have you ever lied and told someone their present was “still in the mail” when really, you had not yet bought it?
  6. What Christmas carol gets stuck in your head the most?
  7. What Christmas-themed recipe do you think is the grossest?
  8. What are your feelings on black friday shopping?
  9. Who is on your naughty list this year?
  10. If you could only buy one more thing at the store before they close, what would it be (assuming they’re still open)?
  11. Which family member takes forever to get ready on Christmas morning?
  12. Are there any fights that break out every time your family gets together for Christmas?
  13. What is the funniest part about spending time with extended family during the holidays?
  14. Have you ever vomited on New Year’s Eve Celebrations?
  15. How many people did you kiss under the mistletoe last year? Also read: 500+ Christmas questions to ask to get into the conversation of fun topics

Christmas party icebreaker questions (At work or Home)

Here is a list of Icebreaker questions for Christmas parties at work or at home or with friends:

  1. What is the best holiday party you have ever attended?
  2. Do you prefer to go out for New Year’s celebrations or stay in?
  3. What is your favorite Christmas Cocktail?
  4. What would you be most excited to see at a Christmas party?
  5. Describe your perfect Christmas party location?
  6. What do you think is the most important part of a Christmas party?
  7. If the Christmas party had a theme, what would it be?
  8. If there is a Christmas-themed party outfit contest, what would you wear?
  9. Have you seen Home Alone this Christmas season yet?
  10. Who is on your list to spend Christmas with and why?
  11. When was the last time you got together with someone who reminds you of Christmas when they are not celebrating it themselves?
  12. Do you believe in ghosts or spirits this time of year?
  13. Who do you think should be on Santa’s naughty list this year?
  14. What are some good ways to tell if someone is feeling festive or not at a party?
  15. If you’re trying to avoid spending time with people, how might you show that you’re not interested without being too direct?
  16. Which Christmas movie deserves a sequel this year?
  17. Would you rather receive a sweater or an ugly sweater as a gift?
  18. How did you first learn about the true meaning of Christmas and what impact did it have on your life?
  19. Name 3 things that make up the perfect Christmas gift for adults.
  20. What does Grateful mean to me during this holiday season?
  21. When was your last Christmas celebration and what was it like?
  22. Is there something not traditionally associated with Christmas that you love doing around this time of year?
  23. What are some activities you enjoy doing around the holidays, even if they aren’t typically considered Christmas?
  24. If someone were looking for a romantic Christmas present, what would you recommend they get their significant other?
  25. Have any traditions developed over the years that help make your Christmas celebrations more special?
  26. Do you celebrate any non-Christian traditions around this time of year (i.e., Jewish Hanukkah)?
  27. If you were trying to spread cheer and joy during the holiday season, how might you do so?
  28. How do you know when it is too early to start playing Christmas music after Thanksgiving dinner has finished?
  29. If money were no object, what three things would be on your wish list right now as far as decorations go?
  30. Do people ever give gifts just before or after Easter instead of waiting until December 25th because they don’t want them under their tree all winter long waiting for opening day without anyone to open them up?

Fun Christmas icebreaker questions

Here are some Fun Icebreaker questions about Christmas:

  1. What would be your dream Christmas gift?
  2. What would you do if you found a reindeer on your roof?
  3. Have you ever been on a sleigh ride?
  4. What do you think is the most overrated Christmas tradition?
  5. Do you think Christmas is too commercialized?
  6. What would you do if you got coal in your stocking?
  7. What would you do if you were snowed in on Christmas?
  8. Is there a Christmas movie that always makes you cry?
  9. What’s your favorite Christmas snack?
  10. If you could pick any celebrity to be Santa, who would it be?
  11. Who do you think should be at the top of Santa’s naughty list?
  12. What’s the funniest Christmas joke you’ve ever heard?
  13. What Christmas song do you hate the most?
  14. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever put in a Christmas stocking?
  15. What Christmas food do you think you could never give up?
  16. What’s the most creative way you’ve ever wrapped a present?
  17. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for Christmas?
  18. What’s the most creative thing you’ve ever done to surprise someone for Christmas?
  19. What would you do if you found out your Christmas tree was infested with bugs?
  20. What would you do if you got a gift from Santa that you didn’t want?

Christian Christmas icebreaker questions

Here is a list of some interesting Christian icebreaker questions about Christmas:

  1. How did nativity happen?
  2. If jesus was born in the winter, how was he in a manger if the shepherds were watching over their sheep?
  3. What’s an angel and what’s its significance in Christianity?
  4. Why are there so many reindeer on Santa’s sleigh on Christmas eve, but only eight of them at night when they deliver presents and don’t do anything else all day long?
  5. Who are the three kings, also called magi or wise men?
  6. In which order do you celebrate Christmas Eve Mass, midnight mass, and matins (morning prayer)? 7. What is Advent meant to be about as Christians prepare for Christmas Day?
  7. What are some common symbols that Christians use during Advent season leading up to Christmastime that symbolize Jesus’ life?
  8. On which day does a wreath typically get hung on the front door of your house for advent time leading up to Christmastime?
  9. When does Advent start for Christians – four Sundays before or after Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday in November)?
  10. Which christian Tradition most closely corresponds with modern-day American society?
  11. Which country has the largest number of Christians in the world?
  12. Do kids ever go caroling while wearing masks?
  13. What is the story behind why we decorate trees?
  14. Do catholics and christians have different Christmas traditions? Also read: 350+ Secret Santa questions to give best Christmas gifts (game edition -2022) for family, friends, coworkers, kids and adults

Christmas icebreaker questions for adults

Here is a list of Christmas icebreaker questions for adults:

  1. What is the most unique way you have ever decorated a Christmas tree?
  2. Can you bake cookies from scratch?
  3. Do you drink coffee or tea regularly?
  4. What size clothing are you typically looking for in shirts/pants/etc.?
  5. Do you have any favorite sports teams that come up around the holidays, like football, basketball, hockey etc.?
  6. When was the last time that you made gingerbread cookies from scratch?
  7. Who are you most looking forward to spending time with this holiday season?
  8. If Santa were real, what would you want him to bring you this year?
  9. What is your favorite holiday dish (and why)?
  10. What is the strangest thing that happened at a past family Christmas gathering?
  11. Is there anything about this upcoming Christmas that will make it different from last year’s festivities?
  12. When did you first realize that Santa was not real and who told you so?
  13. What has been your favorite part about being part of a family over the holidays so far in life?
  14. Are you planning on traveling home for Christmas this year or staying near where you live now?
  15. What is your ideal way to celebrate Christmas Eve?
  16. What is your favorite non-traditional tradition that happens during the holiday season?
  17. Who are you most excited to see again this year during the holidays?
  18. Which elf from Elf do you most identify with and why?
  19. Would you rather spend Christmas Day at home alone or out with friends doing something fun together (and if so, what?)
  20. Which type of person annoys you the most during the holidays?
  21. Do you like to play in snow?
  22. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
  23. What is your favorite Christmas song?

Small Group Christmas themed icebreaker questions to ask

Here are some Small group Christmas icebreaker questions to ask:

  1. What would you do if you found a reindeer in your backyard?
  2. What would you like to see Santa bring you this year?
  3. If you could have any nasty power for the day, what would it be?
  4. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?
  5. Name one celebrity you would like to invite to your Christmas party.
  6. What do you think Santa Claus does the other 364 days of the year?
  7. Who is your favorite holiday character?
  8. What is the best holiday dish you have ever tasted?
  9. Do you have a favorite holiday movie scene?
  10. If you could travel anywhere in the world for the holidays, where would you go?
  11. What is the funniest Christmas-related story you have ever heard?
  12. What do you think is the best way to spread holiday cheer?
  13. What would your ideal Christmas dinner look like?
  14. If you could give one gift to everyone in the world, what would it be?
  15. What is the craziest Christmas-related thing you have ever done?
  16. What would you do if you had an extra hour of free time on Christmas day?
  17. Would you rather have a white Christmas or a warm Christmas?
  18. Do you have a favorite Christmas ornament?
  19. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be?
  20. What do you think is the true meaning of Christmas? We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.